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Why Women In The Workplace Still Face Gender Bias: A Look At The Facts

Gender bias in the workplace is still a reality for women all over the world. Despite laws and regulations meant to prevent it, women are often passed over for jobs, paid less than men for the same work, and face discrimination and sexual harassment in the office. While things are slowly changing, there is still a lot of work to be done. Here we will take a look at some of the issues and ways we can do to improve the workplace.

The facts about gender bias in the workplace and the different ways it manifests itself are sobering. But there is a positive side to all of this: by identifying gender bias in your workplace, you can make conscious decisions about how to avoid it and how to be proactive in combatting it. 

Here are some common examples of gender bias in the workplace and what you can do about them: 


#1: Inclusion 

Women are often excluded from after-work socializing and networking opportunities. This can lead to them being less connected to their male peers, and as a result, they miss out on important opportunities for career advancement. To counter this: Make sure that you have women in the mix when you’re planning after-work events. Encourage people to bring their spouses/partners or significant others. This will ensure that your workplace is inclusive of both genders and allow everyone to grow professionally. 

#2. Failing to give women equal opportunities for promotions and leadership roles 

It's not enough to just pay women equally; if you want them to advance in your company, you need to give them the same opportunities as men for promotion and leadership roles. The more senior positions you fill with men, the less likely it is that women will see themselves represented in those jobs and therefore be able to visualize themselves doing those jobs one day. This kind of representation has an enormous impact on whether women feel like they can do the job and whether they will be hired for it. 

"Having women in leadership positions helps to create a culture where everyone is respected, and where there are clear pathways for advancement," says Randi Bregman Feldstein, chief marketing officer at Zebra Technologies. "This makes employees more likely to stay and build their careers with your company." 


#3. The Myth of the Ideal Worker 

Many people believe that women can’t work as hard or as long as men. They think women should be in charge of making sure the children are fed and bathed, then go home to make dinner and take care of the kids. But what if your ideal worker is a woman who has three kids? Should she be denied an opportunity because she has a family? Is it reasonable to assume that a man who cares for his elderly parents shouldn’t be able to take on a project that will require long hours? The point is, you should hire the best person for the job, regardless of gender. 

There are a lot of stereotypes about women in the workplace. These include ideas that women are too emotional, that they can’t work as hard or as long as men, and that they aren’t interested in career advancement. Some people even think women can’t be leaders because they have “too many things to do at home.” But these beliefs have no basis in fact. In fact, research shows that when you don’t treat people differently based on their gender, they perform equally well. And, the research also shows that when women are given a chance to lead, they often rise to the challenge and excel. 


Work bias against women is not going away on its own. It’s time for everyone to be aware of the facts about gender bias and do their part to eradicate it. If you are a woman experiencing gender bias, here are some ways to improve your workplace.  

1. Speak up. 

(Reuters) - As more women take jobs in the corporate world, they are reporting more instances of gender bias. Whether it's unequal pay or a boss who takes credit for their work, many female employees feel they're being held back. 

Most companies are setting up internal diversity task forces and promoting anti-bias training. But a quicker solution is to speak up when women feel wronged. 


2. Advocate for yourself. 

No one is going to care as much about your success as you do. You have to be your own biggest advocate and take control of your career. It starts with understanding what you want and working towards it. 

Network, network, network. Get out there and meet people. Attend events and conferences in your field. Join online groups and forums related to your industry. The more people you know, the more opportunities will come your way. 

Be proactive about your career. If you see a job posting that looks like a good fit, don’t hesitate to apply. 


3. Seek out mentors and sponsors. 

Mentorship is one of the most important things you can do for your career. A mentor can help guide you, give you advice, and introduce you to new opportunities. And, while it’s often thought of as a one-way relationship, mentors can also learn a lot from their mentees. 

Sponsorship is a similar concept. It’s when someone financially supports your work or your endeavors. In many cases, this can be a wonderful way to get your foot in the door and make connections with people who can help you advance your career. 


4. Lean into your strengths. 

This can be one of the most difficult things to do, but I encourage you to take a step back and examine what you’re good at. Be honest with yourself about your strengths. Don’t make excuses for why you aren’t good at something; just be realistic. 

You can start by looking at your professional background, but this doesn’t have to be limited to work experience. Look back on your life and see what has been successful for you. 


5. Stay positive, even when things get tough. 

Your confidence in your skills partnered with a positive outlook will help you address any workplace bias against women professionally.  

Gender bias is still a big problem in the workplace, and it can be tough for women to overcome. In this article, we explored some of the reasons why women still face discrimination in the workplace and offered some tips for how to deal with it. If you're a woman who's facing gender bias in your workplace, know that you're not alone. There are ways to overcome it, and we hope the tips we have given you will be of significant help.  


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